RICE LAKE Load Ranger Wheel Pad Scale
July 9, 2019RICE LAKE Printer Kiosks
July 9, 2019
RICE LAKE Automated Ticketing Kiosks
Weigh/Check In Kiosk
- 920i® HMI with sun shield
- Four serial ports
- 120 VAC
- Two option slots for 920i option cards
Weigh Out/Printer Kiosk
- 920i® HMI with sun shield
- Six serial ports
- 1 MB database memory
- Two additional expansion slots
- Slide door access to ticket
- 8 in paper roll
- Operator prompting
- Formatable tickets
- Traffic light control
- Transmits weight to remote display
- Direct thermal kiosk printer
Weigh Out/Printer Kiosk Options:
- Ethernet TCP/IP (wired and WiFi options available)
- Single or dual channel A/D cards
- RFID reader
- Credit card reader (U.S. only)
- Currency accepter (U.S. currency only)
- QWERTY keyboard
- Internal heater
- Gate control
- Loop detector output
Consult for the following options:
- Stainless steel enclosure
- RF tags/antenna for truck IDs
- Bar code badge scanner
- 230 VAC
- Numeric keypad
- HID card reader
Weigh Out/Printer Kiosk Dimensions

Weigh Out/Printer Kiosk Optional Features
- Single or dual channel A/D cards
- RFID reader
- Credit card reader (U.S. only)
- Currency accepter (U.S. currency only)
- Qwerty keyboard
- Internal heater
- Gate control
- Loop detector input
Consult for the following options:
- Stainless steel enclosure
- RF tags/antenna for truck IDs
- Bar code badge scanner
- 230 VAC
- Numeric keypad
- H/D card reader with numeric keypad