RICE LAKE RoughDeck® BDP Barrel Drum Pallet Mild Steel Floor Scale
July 9, 2019
RICE LAKE BenchMark™ HE-X Hostile Environment Extreme Bench Scale
July 9, 2019RICE LAKE DeckHand™ Rough-n-Ready Portable Floor Scale System
- Mild steel wheeled frame, base and mast
- 500 lb, 1,000 lb, 2,000 lb capacity
- Large rubber wheels simplify movement on uneven floors
- Aluminum load cells (2)
- Package includes: Mild steel DeckHand portable scale and 482 Plus indicator with internal battery
- Factory-wired and calibrated
- See 482 Plus for indicator specifications.
RICE LAKE DeckHand™ Rough-n-Ready Portable Floor Scale System Informations:
For rugged, portable weighing, Rice Lake’s Deckhand is the perfect choice. Large rubber wheels and diamond-tread top plate simplify industrial weighing jobs and make movement from place to place a one-person job. A steel handle doubles as the indicator base for a variety of Rice Lake weight displays. Optional ramp is available. Select the Deckhand stand-alone model, or the all-in-one, factory-calibrated Deckhand Rough-N-Ready system with IQ plus® 590-DC indicator.
DeckHand Portable Scale Dimensions:
DeckHand Rough-n-Ready System Info Product Specifications:
100% end loading
mV/V Output:
2 mV/V
Cable length:
9 ft 10 in (3 m)
Weighing platter: 4.5 in height when in weigh mode
Column Height:
59 in
Load cells two years, all other components one year
NTEP CC 98-004, Class III, 2,500 d
Measurement Canada AM-5218,
(250 kg and 500 kg) Class III 2,500 d
(1,000 kg) Class III 2,000 d