RICE LAKE CLS-420 Forklift Scale
July 5, 2019
RICE LAKE RL-HPJ Hand Pallet Jack Scale
July 5, 2019RICE LAKE CLS-920i® Forklift Scale
Scale Carriage
Compatible with Class II 16 in (H) or Class III 20 in (H) forklift cleat type carriages
Out of level NTEP Certified tolerance at seven degrees pitch and roll, three degrees side to side
1 1/2 in – thick front and back painted steel plates coupled by four flexures
Top cleats are welded, pinned and bolted
Welded centering pin
Two 5,000 lb s-beam load cells
Updated iQube2® junction box with inclinometer
Molded coiled cable, up to 15 ft uncoiled
920i Indicator
(W x H) 4.6 x 3.4 in, back lit LCD graphical display (320 x 420 pixels)
Standard user program with data collection and limited transaction storage including selectable tracking number, employee ID, pallet dimensions, product and customer fields. Selectable built in applications such as checkweigh, accumulation, auto store and more. See operators guide for more details.
Front panel calibration or calibrate through iQUBE2® junction box using Revolution® software
64,000 lb user on-board RAM with storage for 50 product tables and 300 weighments
On/Off switch to conserve forklift battery life
Painted mild steel enclosure
Two piece top cage indicator mounting assembly with vibration mounts
Two available RS-232 ports for added options of scanner, Wi-Fi or printer
10-60 VDC power supply for use on propane or electric forklifts