RICE LAKE Speed Sensor
July 2, 2019
RICE LAKE MotoWeigh® IMW-HD Heavy-Duty In-Motion Conveyor Scale and Checkweigher
July 2, 2019RICE LAKE MotoWeigh® IMW In-Motion Checkweighers and Conveyor Scales
Four levels of security
- Real-time statistical information
- Product report
- Statistical report
- Parameter report
- User report
- Store up to 1,000 different products
- Five zone classification
Control Panel
Power disconnect with lock-out/tag-out
- E-stop
- VFD (variable frequency drive)
- Motor overloads
Square tube construction (SST or aluminum)
- 32in height from top of belt with ±2.5 inch of adjustment
- Modular belting
- Drive on right side of belt (looking down belt flow)
- Control panel mounted on left side of belt (looking down belt flow)
- Divert methods:
- Pneumatic pusher
- Air blast
- Drop conveyor
- Paddle
- Secondary diverter in series or parallel
- One, three or five zone communication tower
- Audible alarm (non-washdown only)
- Draft shields
- Drop chutes
- Pull cord E-stops
- Portability package (non-NTEP Certified only)
- Conveyor guide rails (round or flat)
- Custom programming available
- Food-grade SST angle construction, NEMA Type 4X IP66 washdown systems
- UL 508
- Bar code scanner
- Metal detection
- NTEP Certified, Legal for Trade (up to 2,000 divisions and 60 ppm)
- Filling machine feedback
- Pacer belt infeed
- 1280 controller (non-NTEP Certified only)
MotoWeigh ® IMW Specifications:
Configurations: Speed:Construction:
Stainless steel food-grade, stainless steel non-food-grade or aluminum non-food-grade
Checkweigher or conveyor scale
Up to 240 ft per minute
Container Weights: Belts:Container Types:
Boxes, bags, pouches, trays, tubs, cups, blister packs, display packs, clam shells
Up to 200 lb
Resolution down to 0.01 lb/5 g, or better (dependent on scale capacity)
Interlox® Habasit®
Approvals: Warranty:Power Configuration:
110 VAC single phase, 60 Hz
230/460 VAC 3 phase, 60 Hz
Optional NTEP: 60 ppm at 2,000 divisions
Optional: UL 508
Two-year limited warranty (excludes powertrain and wear parts)
MotoWeigh ® IMW Optional Features and Accessories
- Divert methods:
- Pneumatic pusher
- Air blast
- Drop conveyor
- Paddle
- Secondary diverter in series or parallel
- One, three or five zone communication tower
- Audible alarm (non-washdown only)
- Draft shields
- Drop chutes
- Pull cord E-stops
- Portability package (non-NTEP Certified only)
- Conveyor guide rails (round or flat)
- Custom programing available
- Food-grade SST angle construction, NEMA Type 4X IP66 washdown systems
- UL 508
- Bar code scanner
- Labeling system
- Metal detection
- NTEP Certified Legal for Trade (up to 2,000 divisions and 60 ppm)
- Filling machine feedback
- Pacer belt in-feed
- 1280 controller (non-NTEP Certified only)